Author: new_grhkr8
Using mindfulness to help you feel good enough? This is what you are missing.
As someone who got started on her mindfulness journey out of a desperate attempt to fix the feelings of not good enough I carried with me into my life and relationships, the idea of mindfulness, that I was simply supposed to accept negative thoughts and feelings, didn’t make sense. I wanted to change those feelings…
Why Living in the Moment Matters to your Personal Growth
If you can’t arrive here today; how will you know when you arrive–there–tomorrow?
3 Ways to put more Self Love into your Self Improvement
What you do to better yourself shouldn’t make you feel worse about yourself. It shouldn’t make you feel as if you have added more impossibly high standards to your already impossibly long to-do list.
4 Simple Steps to Living your Life with More Intention
When it comes to living your life fully, stepping out of autopilot and actually showing up to your present moment experience is a good place to start. Here’s how to do it.
You are Someone to Celebrate
I want to encourage you to widen the focus. I want to encourage you to start to see what was just out of view. What about you can you celebrate? What about you do you love?
How to Build an Intuitive Routine
What is an Intuitive Routine? An intuitive routine is a routine, or a habitual action, that nourishes, supports and/or fulfills YOU. An intuitive routine is aligned to YOUR unique way of moving through the world, your personal needs and desires, your energetic levels and your own personality. It is deeply personal and inherently mindful. The…
The Moment
How do you find it once it is lost? The water in your hands, never held, only experienced…
7 Useful Tips to Start and Sustain your Meditation Practice
So you want to start a mindfulness practice. You are ready to begin a meditation journey; or you are trying yet again to build a habit of being present with yourself. To this, I say wonderful! You are showing up to the imperfect practice of BE-ing in a world of DO-ing.
New Beginnings Need Intention. Here’s Why.
If you look closely you will see that life is full of new beginnings. Every breath–each inhale and each exhale is an opportunity to start again. The sunrise. A sunset. The change of seasons.
10 Mindfulness Tips to Stop a Shame Spiral and Super Charge your Self Compassion
Use mindfulness to unearth the reasons for negative self talk and help yourself build more compassion so that you can be more loving and kind to yourself during a shame spiral.